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El coro de quejas de Helsinki

Dime de qué te quejas y cómo te quejas y te diré quién eres...

You can't get rich by working and love doesn't last forever.
In the public sauna they never ask if it's ok to throw water on the stove.
Old forests are cut down and turned into toilet paper.
And still all the toilets are always out of paper.
Why products on sale drive the people crazy?
In the middle of Helsinki they built another shopping hell.
My neighbour spies on me through the peephole whenever I come home with guests and always arrives too early for his souna turn.
We always lose to Sweden in hockey and Eurovision.
Christmas seasons starts earlier every year.
Why do people never agree with me?
Jobs go to China, tramline 3 smells of pee.
It's no fair!
Why is the "Metre Pizza" only half a metre long?
And why is the cord of the vacuum cleaner too short? —just like summer.
Going to work every morning, then home at night eventually you lose your mind.
The battery on my mobile is always going flat and all ring tones are just as irritating.
Ring tones are all irritanting.
Ring tones...
Sorry, I'm in a bad spot. Call me later.
When you buy furniture all you get is a pile of boards.
Tissues are too rough and I can never find the when I need to sneeze.
My tights slip when I'm walking.
There is always a tall man in front of me.
At work they pat me on the shoulder then stab me in the back.
My dreams are boring.
Reference numbers are too long.
Women are still paid less than men.
Bullshitters get on too well in life.
The daily paper is to thick.
Why always me?
It's no fair!
The queue for the dentist is over six months long after waiting for so long the whole tooth must be pulled out.
Nice shirts get discoloured in the wash but ugly shirts never do.
People have no time for Fair Trade goods but still rush to where they grow.
I can't escape the headlines of the tabloids.
The weather's always foul.
I don't get laid enought...
And the Finnish language it's very difficult to look.
We always lose to Sweden in hockey and Eurovision.
Christmas seasons starts earlier every year.
Why do people never agree with me?
Jobs go to China.
Tramline 3 smells of pee.
My fat is tiny yet it eats all my money.
So I'm left with nothing to save the world with.
People only take a stand in sms-forums.
Idiots don't know which side to stand on the scalator.
My husband snores too loud and he walks to slowly and only washes his hockey-shits.
And my wife always complains!
It's no fair!
Evenings wasted hiding from the TV licence inspector because I don't want to pay for sports and reality TV.
The employment agency only needs Java programmers.
Old people are fed with traquilisers so they won't complain.
My friend likes his mobile phone more than he likes me.
Our ancestors could have picked a sunnier place to be.
My dreams are boring.
Reference numbers are too long.
Women are still paid less than men.
Bullshitters get on too well in life.
The daily paper is to thick.
Why always me?
It's no fair!


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